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2024 Operations Update

A prosperous future for all Manitoba farmers.

Our core mission is to be the voice for farmers, addressing their most important issues. KAP is dedicated to leading progress, promoting transparency, and showcasing farmers' true impact and contribution to key audiences.

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2023-2024 Outcomes


We aim to be the unwavering voice for farmers, addressing your most pressing issues with tenacity and resolve. 

"KAP's new strategic plan for 2024-27 was a highlight of this past year. Our mission is simple, yet profound. We aim to be the unwavering voice for farmers, addressing your most pressing issues with tenacity and resolve."

― Jill Verwey, KAP President

Our Priority Pillars



Agriculture Matters

KAP strives to achieve a sustainable and profitable future for Manitoba farmers by advocating for unity within the primary agricultural sector, with shared goals and objectives. Acting as the authoritative voice, KAP leads the way, fostering consensus and providing unified representation to farmer members, stakeholders, and all levels of government, highlighting the significance of agriculture and advancing key policy objectives. Recognizing agriculture's vital role in our society, we aim to convey the importance of agriculture to our communities, economy, and food system.


Engagement and Outreach

Relationships Matter

We work everyday to develop a unified narrative focused on building trust in Manitoba farmers and modern agriculture. This narrative is designed to expand over time to improve its relevance and create connections between government, the public, agricultural stakeholders, and Manitoba farmers.


Regulatory Modernization

Preserving Market Access

KAP's primary goal is to minimize regulatory risk associated with future legislation and oversight for Manitoba farmers. Our value proposition to members is centered around working towards a stable regulatory future. Through collaborative initiatives led by KAP, our focus is not only on rectifying restrictive or misguided regulations, but also on advocating for smart regulations that will drive progress and growth in Manitoba's agriculture sector.


Governance and Funding 

Future-Focused Oversight

In order to operate effectively in all other key areas and to achieve our strategic objectives, it is imperative that we foster a solid foundation of governance and funding. To ensure long-term delivery of value to our members, our approach is to continue modernizing KAP's governance and develop systems to ensure compliance. As we work in this area, modernizing our structure and funding model to be reflective of modern farming operations must be a priority to ensure financial sustainability for the long-run.





KAP 2024-2027 Strategic Plan


Collaboration is at the heart of what we do – and the process to set our organization’s roadmap to 2027 was no different.


This roadmap reflects the shared vision and expertise of KAP’s Board of Directors, members, and staff, aiming to facilitate a unified strategy to address the priorities identified by Manitoba producers and the broader agricultural industry. It focuses on tackling key challenges and leveraging opportunities.


Continued advancements in advocacy and innovation will empower Manitoba farmers by reducing risks, meeting market demands, and enhancing productivity and competitiveness on a global scale.



Our core mission is to be the voice for farmers, addressing their most important issues. KAP is dedicated to leading progress, promoting transparency, and showcasing farmers' true impact and contribution to key audiences.

A prosperous future for all Manitoba farmers.

Our Values


We speak and act with honesty and apply high ethical standards for everything we do.

Evidence Based and Solutions Oriented

We ensure that our decisions, advocacy and actions are grounded in factbased, reliable evidence. We take a proactive approach, focusing on finding solutions to challenges faced by farmers, rather than dwelling on problems.


We cultivate positive relationships with our members, stakeholders, and the broader community and cooperate with others to multiply the impact of our efforts.

Strategic Key Result Areas



Provide a unified voice for Manitoba’s

farmers and advance the key policy

objectives in the sector by working

with members, stakeholders and all

levels of government.


Regulatory Modernization

Develop initiatives that will potentially

mitigate regulatory risk related to

further legislation and oversight for

Manitoba farmers.


Engagement and Outreach

Develop a cohesive narrative centred on fostering trust in Manitoba farmers and in the agricultural community.




Governance and Funding

Develop and implement a plan that stabilizes KAP to ensure long-term delivery of value to it's members.


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Message from the President 

Jill Verwey, President of Keystone Agricultural Producers

Coming Soon!

Get to Know Your Representatives

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Jill Verwey


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Scott Melvin

District 2


Charles Fossay

District 6

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Kristy-Layne Carr

Supply Managed Commodity Groups


Jake Ayre

Vice President


Colin Penner

District 3

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Jason Smith

District 8


Alex Burgess

Grains, Oilseeds and Pulses


Kevin Stott

Vice President

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Kevin Peters

District 4

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Keith Syslak

District 9


Marg Rempel

Red Meat Commodity Groups


Carter McKinney

District 1

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Jenneth Johanson

District 5


Shannon Pyziak

District 10


Sam Connery-Nichol

Special Interest Groups


District 7

District 11

District 12

General Manager's Report

Brenna Mahoney, KAP General Manager

Coming Soon!

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